Friday, November 24, 2023

Echoes of Resilience: Palestinians Poets and Writers Amidst War- A Search for Hope and Healing

I read Mosab Abu Toha's Instagram post. Then I did what I thought I could do after reading it. A heartfelt cry for Palestine, here was his message on his post:

Please save this poem, recite to the people around you and tell them what happened to my home, and the homes of so many people? Tell them some families were buried under the rubble.

What is Home?

poetry by : Mosab Abu Toha

What is home:

it is the shade of trees on my way to school before they were uprooted

it is my grandparents' black-and-white wedding photo before the walls is crumbled

it is my uncles' prayer rug, where dozens of ants slept on wintry nights, before it was looted and put in a museum

it is the oven of my mother used to bake bread and roast chicken before a bomb reduced our house to ashes

it is the cafe where I watched football matches and played____

My child stops me: Can a four letter word hold all of these?

Mosab Abu Toha is a Palestinian poet from Gaza. He reportedly was taken into custody by Israel. But now Alhamdulillah, he is freed and reunited with his family. May other Palestinian who were separated also be reunited with their families. May Allah grant them with sabr, Insya Allah. 

Here other beautiful poetry by Ghassan Kanafani, a Palestinian author and politician who was assassinated by Mossad in July 1972 :

I wish children didn't die. 

I wish they would be temporarily elevated to the skies until the war ends.

Then they would return home safe, 

and when their parents would ask them: "Where were you?" 

they would say: "We were playing in the clouds"

#Don't stop talking about Palestine

Postingan ini sebagai satu langkah kecil untuk membela Palestina. Semoga Allah memberi mereka kesabaran, dan bagi para syahid... berbahagialah, hari raya kalian kini selamanya. Bagi anak-anak yang menjadi korban, bermainlah di surgaNya, kini telah hilang rasa sakit, telah tenang tubuh kalian dari gemetar takut akibat bom. Berbahagialah, berbahagialah...

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